You have a question?
We have the answer

  • Is it mandatory to create an account in the Customer Account in order to place an order?
  • Yes, the creation of your Customer Account will allow you to identify yourself to a group and to your clinic. You will also be able to update your personal information, access your purchase history and enjoy exclusive content.
  • Are there any delivery charges?
  • Delivery charges apply on shopping carts of 25$ and less. 
  • What payment methods are accepted?
  • You may pay for your orders on the online store with a recognized credit card issued in Canada, with a billing address in Canada. We currently accept Visa® and MasterCard® and Amex®. 
  • Which carrier makes the deliveries?
  • Deliveries are made by Canada Post.
  • I would like to get advice before making a purchase, is that possible?
  • Absolutely, we invite you to write to us via the contact form found in the section Contact us a or call us at 1 866 411-5623. A hearing health professional will be pleased to guide you through your purchases.